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TEACH the gospel message of Jesus Christ, TRANSFORM communities through the power of the Kingdom, and TOUCH lives with the love of God through TECHNOLOGY.

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To transform lives through faith, fellowship, and the fear of God’s love, creating a community where individuals are EQUIPPED to grow, EMPOWERED to serve, and ENCOURAGED to make a positive and powerful impact in the world.


What we believe

We believe in the authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16), and we seek to teach and live according to its teachings.

We believe in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross for the forgiveness of sins (John 3:16, Ephesians 1:7). We proclaim this good news to all people, inviting them to experience new life in Christ.

We believe in the transformative power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) who empowers believers to live out the teachings of Jesus, develop Christ-like character, and engage in acts of compassion and justice.

We are committed to fostering a sense of community and authentic relationships within our ministry and outreach efforts (Hebrews 10:24-25). We believe that by nurturing healthy relationships, we can support one another in spiritual growth and model the love of Christ to the world.

We are dedicated to serving others and impacting the seven mountains of influence by meeting the tangible needs of individuals, families, and communities (Matthew 25:35-40). We seek to address issues such as poverty, injustice, and brokenness with compassion and practical solutions, guided by the love of God.

We strive for excellence in all our endeavors, pursuing spiritual maturity and personal holiness (2 Corinthians 7:1). We embrace lifelong learning and growth, encouraging individuals to develop their God-given gifts, callings, and anointing’s for the advancement of God’s kingdom.

We are committed to unity and collaboration with other Kingdom ministries and churches, recognizing that we are part of a larger body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-14). We seek partnerships that amplify our impact, promote unity, and advance the gospel message and the Kingdom of God.


Michael Henderson Bio

Michael Henderson

Prophetic Servant

Prophetic Servant Michael Henderson is a father, servant, prayer warrior, visionary overseer, entrepreneurial trailblazer, and a man after God’s own heart. The first off the Potter’s wheel from the Apostolic House of Labourers For Christ Word Life Center, Prophetic Servant Henderson served as the Prophetic Priest of the LFC-Harvest Christian Training Center in Toledo, Ohio for 14 years. He is the House Prophet for Labourers For Christ Word Life Center, Ambassadorial Prophet for the AEN (Apostolic Ecumenical Network) under the direction of Apostle, Dr. Shawnette Houghton. He serves the Body of Christ with a strong prophetic and apostolic anointing, with a heart for worship to the Godhead. At the early age of eight (8) years old, Michael recognized the gift, calling and hand of God on his life and has always had a hunger and thirst for the King and His kingdom. Licensed to preach the gospel at sixteen (16), servant Henderson has been in ministry for over twenty-five years, yielding his time and talents to be a vessel in which our Sovereign Lord uses for His Glory. Prophetic Servant Henderson preaches, teaches and ministers, both locally and nationally, God’s word of healing and restoration. A modern day John the Baptist with an Elijah’s mantle, he boldly proclaims the prophetic word of the Lord to the captive, the wounded and the broken. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting, which helps direct cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times, and seasons they are in.

With a heart for hurting and wounded men, Pastor Henderson has a Father’s anointing and serves as a mentor, counselor, and pastoral leader to many. Prophetic Servant Henderson is the true definition of a prophetic prayer warrior and intercessor. He has been used by God to intercede and mobilize prayer summits, prayer calls, and early morning prayer revivals throughout cities and states. With a fire to pray and the intercession for miracles, signs and wonders, Prophetic Servant Henderson has been used by God to be a witness of healings from cancer, and various tumors, deliverance from drug and alcohol addictions, and many signs of deliverance and recovery.

Prophetic Servant Henderson believes the anointing on his life is for the lost, the captive, the wounded and the broken. He has a heart for the disadvantaged and desires that “all come to know God has a plan for them, not to harm, but a good plan to bring them to an expected end”.

With a heart for the Kingdom and a desire to download those prophetic principles in the earth, Prophetic Servant Henderson is a hidden jewel to the Body of Christ that our sovereign Lord is raising up for such a time as this to proclaim, “The Kingdom of God is at hand”.

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Who We Are

TEACH the gospel message of Jesus Christ, TRANSFORM communities through the power of the Kingdom, and TOUCH lives with the love of God through TECHNOLOGY.

To transform lives through faith, fellowship, and the fear of God’s love, creating a community where individuals are EQUIPPED to grow, EMPOWERED to serve, and ENCOURAGED to make a positive and powerful impact in the world.

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